Explore new possibilities for health and living.

Universal Healing brings REMOTE ENERGY HEALING to every corner of the planet. Making Energy Healing accessible, affordable and available so anyone, anywhere can experience healing and the expansion of consciousness that comes with it.

A group of highly trained Brennan Healing Science Practitioners hold every healing.  Clients from anywhere in the world, on any time zone, receive the healing they need. Every ONE HOUR healing works on a very specific body system and aspect of health. 

The Healers create a field that amplifies the healing for all, resulting in anything from a strong immediate healing of a specific symptom, illness or creating long term health in the body and energy fields. 

Life is energy and is in every aspect of our being, seen or unseen. These specialized healers are able to balance, transform and clear the energy of this system in a group healing. Allowing your body and system to regain its intrinsic health. To be healthy and live in our full energy is our birthright!